My work is resiliency-focused and based in the strengths and assets that enable at risk young adults, especially care leavers to overcome challenges and thrive. Also, my work focus on the experiences and factors that can help case workers and mentors better support care leaver and other groups of at-risk young adults during the transition to adulthood. I specifically focus on three main domains:
1. Outcomes & challenges during the transition to adulthood
2. Resilience and adjustment-promoting factors
3. Perspectives, needs, and challenges of formal and informal figures who mentor at-risk youth.
My goal is to shed light on the diversity in these vulnerable young adults’ experiences and explore their challenges and risks, as well as their resources and resilience during this defining period in their lives. I am especially interested in using multiple perspectives, taking into account multiple ecological spheres in order to identify the stressors and protective factors involved in at-risk young people’s transition to adulthood.
By conducting intervention research, I seek to develop context-based theoretical knowledge that will inform practice, as well as the work of policymakers and professional service providers, with respect to intervention efforts and services designed for at-risk young adults.
Research & intervention studies
As an intervention researcher, I maintain strong connections and fruitful collaborations with the ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services
and civil society organizations for at-risk youths.
I intensively involved with these organizations through professional workshops for their workers, consultations and membership in committees.
During the the past years I carried out a series of studies with full cooperation of at-risk youth organizations. Specifically:
1. A five-year mixed-methods evaluation study of the National Program for At- Risk Young Adults ("Yated"), commissioned by the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (Ashalim-JDC).
2. A five-year evaluation study of a mentoring program to support care leavers that is applied in all of the residential care facilities supervised by the Ministry of Education (3 stages).
Fellowships & Postdoctoral Studies
2012-2013: The Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Welfare, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2014-2015: School of Social Service Administration,
The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA; Research Fellow at the Rank of Instructor. Advisor: Prof. Mark Courtney
2014-2015: Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Advisor: Prof. Amy Dworsky
Awards & Research Grants
2003: University of Haifa, B.A; M.S.W (with honors)
2008: Bar Ilan University, Ph.D (with honors)
2016-2021: Ministry of Education:
20-year follow-up on youth leaving youth villages in Israel
2017-2019: Ministry of Education, “Haminhal lechinuch Hityashvuty”; Ashalim-JDC, Israel:
Mentoring – supporting care leavers after leaving care and during the transition to adulthood
2018-2022: Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services, Israel; Ashalim-JDC, Israel:
National program for at-risk young adults ("Yated")
2021: ISF (Israel Science Foundation):
Risk and resilience in the transition to adulthood among at-risk young-adult Arabs in Israel: A context-informed perspective
Intervention and evaluation studies
Transition to adulthood among at-risk youth
Empirical seminar
Theories and practice